5/12/2013 08:06:05 am
I love the new website! It looks great! :)
John DiNardo
5/12/2013 08:16:42 am
Congrats on the new site! It looks great.
5/12/2013 02:38:42 pm
Thanks to John & Jen and weebly we now have a Great web site.
Sarah Potts Voll
5/29/2013 06:57:43 am
We enjoyed visiting Pennepack Baptist Church last Friday, . We were looking for the grave of my ancester John Wright, 1729-April 13, 1792 and possibly his wife Rachael (Marple) Wright 1729-Nov. 28, 1801. The published record lists a site for a Rachael next to him but the dates are 100 years off, so I was wondering if someone had mistranscribed them.
5/30/2013 12:34:14 am
6/3/2013 03:11:47 pm
I.m working on your request but I need your email address so that I can send you some photos and documents.Please use the Contact & Connect button and Submit a comment to the website maintainer.
G. R. Wright
6/13/2013 08:10:32 am
I am also a descendant of John and Rachael (Marple) Wright. I visited the cemetery about 8 years ago looking for their graves but either I missed them or the stones were too worn to be able to make out the inscriptions. If possible, I would also be interested in the location of their graves. I'm planning to be in the Philadelphia area in late July and would very much like to stop there again. I am descended from John and Rachael's son, William and his wife, Eleanor (Northrop) Wright who, I believe, are also buried there. I would also be interested in the location of William and Eleanor's graves if known.
Katie Baldauf
5/5/2015 02:02:47 am
Sarah! Hi! I'm visiting the church on sat and looking for the same people as you! We might be related!
Virginia Reed
3/30/2016 08:28:41 pm
He is my ancestor also. My grandmother was Carrie Wright before she got married.
6/13/2013 03:24:35 pm
I know where the Wright family plots are, if you can please provide me with your email address I can take some photos this weekend while I'm there to make it more easier for you to locate them. Also if you can give me William & Eleanor's Death dates for my research. Please use the Contact & Connect button and Submit a comment to the website maintainer to leave a email address.
Virginia Reed
3/30/2016 08:33:23 pm
I am a descendant also of Harrie and Anna Mary Wright.
G. R. Wright
6/14/2013 04:36:29 am
John Wright: b. Abt. 1728; d. April 13, 1792
6/18/2013 02:37:04 am
Jesus is Lord and very great redeemer in salvation with powerful born again by the Holy Spirit and joy will be after joy and power after power with the light and love in God for Jesus bloods sake ,thanks and bless,keijo sweden
Lisa Hart Sulek
9/10/2013 10:18:07 am
I am planning on visiting the church and cemetery this weekend. I have been doing geneaology research on my Hart family tree and I believe my 7x great-grandparents, John Hart (1651-1714) and Susannah Rush (1654-1725), are buried there. Is this so? Their son, John Hart (1685-1763), was a founder of the Southampton Old School Baptist Meeting House. Any information you have would be appreciated! Thanks.
9/10/2013 02:57:05 pm
Lisa, Please go to Contact and Connect so I can email you any info.
9/6/2015 04:24:00 pm
Working on it now
Tom Hart
8/17/2019 10:30:54 pm
John and Susannah also my 7x Great Grand Parents. I visited the cemetery and church on Wednesday of this week along with my brother and our wives.
1/16/2014 10:42:39 am
Would like info on the descendants of Elias Keach. How might I obtain it?
Mike Morgan
1/26/2014 12:26:54 pm
Enjoyed my visit 3 years ago. I was not able to see the inside of the church, but I will be back. My ancestor, Randle Morgan and his wife, Grace Ledyard left Pennepack to become founding members of Southampton Church.
1/27/2014 09:57:37 am
Mike, Be glad to have you come visit. Let us know the dates so we can arrange to open the church for you.
Barbara Novak
2/6/2014 04:35:44 am
I am searching for info on gggg grandparnets Peter and Sarah Taylor (married 1697) . Your church appeared somewhere in my research. I would greatly appreciate any information you might have on these folks.
Katie baldauf
5/5/2015 02:07:42 am
I'm also a desentant of Sarah Taylor the grand daughter of Malachi Taylor. Is this the same Sarah? If so she and her grand father are buried at the church.
2/26/2014 12:56:51 am
Joy and joy today for grace are with us even today and that will inspirer me to greet you again in blessing and in the wells of living water to drink,thanks and bless and joy,keijo sweden
Cheryl Carlson
5/20/2014 01:48:19 pm
Thanks to all of you for visiting our website. All of the work it takes to keep this and the entire historic Meetinghouse and cemetery up to date is done by volunteers. Thank you, Tim!
Debbie Smith Jordan
6/18/2014 02:28:30 pm
If my counting is correct I am the sixth generation descendant of William and Charlotte Grookett. I found the headstones of Charlotte and her daughter Mary Ann on the back fence on the south side of the church. Thanks for the wonderful care of your beautiful church and graveyard. I hope to return when I can tour your church and learn and share more historical information. It was here for the day from SC.
10/1/2014 08:56:15 am
like to contact with you.
Rev. Al Dominic Dunbar
12/30/2014 09:42:09 am
Dear Pastor:
Charlotte Eaton
5/7/2015 11:38:06 am
Love the history behind the church's conception! I've taken on my grandfathers love of genealogy and been able to track my Eaton ancestors back 13 generations to this church and hope to visit it one day in the future. Thanks for sharing the history!
Susan Roelofs
11/12/2015 10:43:36 pm
Charlotte, More than likely you and I are relatives as I too am a descendant of George and John (?) Eaton. I am looking forward to possible coming to the church this June.
Erwin W Johnson
6/6/2015 04:14:56 pm
I am a descendant of Rev. Thomas Dungan would like to make the reunion some year.
Keith F. Dungan
12/30/2016 11:46:30 pm
Just wanted to say, Hello Cousin...
Dr. Lawrence Lucas
12/30/2016 11:52:07 pm
I will also say, "hello cousin." Thomas Dungan is my 7th great-grandfather.
Kathy McKenna
10/3/2018 12:23:11 pm
I am also a descendant of Thomas Dungan. He is my 9th great-grandfather. Hello to all.
Susan E. Roelofs
7/8/2015 03:43:03 pm
I am a descendant of John Eaton and George Eaton. I so would have loved to have been at this reunion. If there is one 2016 I would love to be there. Thanks to all the wonderful people who volunteer to keep this church looking so wonderful. Thanks also for this great website
7/12/2015 03:25:32 pm
Susan Powers Roelofs
3/31/2016 10:54:52 am
As I was sitting at my desk and reading this blog it "dawned" on me that
deborah testimony
10/31/2015 04:19:40 pm
I am witness to seeing two identical images of Jesus Christ. Image of beast appears as image of Christ in worship buildings Dan 8:10-11;Is14:13-14;2Thess2:4;Matt 24:15;Rev 17:8;Matt24:24;Matt 7:22;Rev 18:22-24. I have testimony on video "Christ testimony of the churches around the world" All churches around world connected to mother church in Rome Rev 17:5;Dan7:23. 1st centuryAD roman catholic church change Torah Is 9:5 to Is 9:6 and Mary's conception into fable. this Rev22:18;Rom1:25;Rev birth teaching does not confess Christ came in flesh! True prophecy Christ born of man and woman to redeem both!Jesus was 14th great grandson thru sons of David 1chr17:11. John prophet of highest saw and heard God anointing Jesus from heaven! Message not a joke. Plagues coming to churches quicklyRev14:9-10;1cor 11:27;Rev 9. God calling his people to prayer come out of worship buildings and get ready for prophecy Joel then great trib Dan 12:10. Don't be spiritually trapped in these worship buildings under judgment of God luk 21:24;Rev 11:1-2;1pet4:17-18.
Dr. Lawrence Henry Lucas
11/12/2015 12:31:17 pm
I read the history of Pennepack Baptist Church with great joy as I am a direct descendant of Thomas Dungan mentioned in your history who planted the first Baptist church in Pennsylvania. Like my ancestor, I am an ordained Baptist pastor.
Keith F. Dungan
12/30/2016 11:51:15 pm
Hello there Cousin.
Virginia Reed
3/30/2016 08:25:30 pm
I know my great grandma went to your church, when she was young. I have since researched my genealogy and found I have many ancestors buried in the graveyard. I hope to visit there the next time I come to the area.
Lynn Morgan
5/15/2016 02:06:08 pm
I was delighted to find your website. Abel Morgan is my 8th great-grandfather. I will be by to see the church and will be trying to find his gravesite at the Mount Moriah Cemetery. I understand his headstone may be in the stairway at the First Baptist Church on S 17th St in Philadelphia. Any information regarding the Morgan family is greatly appreciated.
Cheryl Carlson
5/15/2016 06:05:51 pm
It would be great to have you visit. The name of Morgan is very popular in the Baptist History of this country. One of the Morgan brothers wrote the first Baptist history books here in this country.
Jim Morgan
6/28/2019 05:02:19 pm
Abel Morgan, who pastored this church was my 6x Great Grandfather, his son Abel Morgan, my 5x pastored Middletown Baptist in New Jersey. Contact me I will happily give you much of what I have found. I plan on writing a book on them this year.
Mike Morgan
5/2/2020 07:44:13 pm
the witness
5/18/2016 01:18:59 am
Urgent alert advising all Jesus Christ believers -I am witness seeing two identical images of Jesus Christ. Testimony video "Christ testimony of the churches around the world". The spirit of antichrist was already at work and continues to this day until the coming of Lord Jesus. Holy scriptures were counterfeited during Roman Empire times by certain men who added and took away words of prophecy Rev22:18. they started Roman Catholic Church. They transferred tampered scriptures of original Torah into a book they called Holy Bible. Holy Bible book contains mixture of counterfeited and original scriptures. The original writings of prophecy found on 2Thess2:15. These men changed Torah Is9:5-6 to KJVIs9:6-7. this is Rom1:23,25 (1Pet1:23) and Rev13:18!
gayle marie
8/6/2016 03:53:50 pm
love the new website... Gary and I will be stopping by soon... love to all.
10/30/2016 01:26:37 pm
Dear brothers and sisters:
12/31/2016 09:37:44 am
Greetings Pennepack Baptist Church,this is Brother Stair from the Overcomer Ministry situated on a farm in Walterboro in the USA. After viewing the website I invite you to listen in to the broadcast either via the website or over the radio by many short wave frequencies stated on the website. With deep conviction by the annointing of the holy spirit this is the last day prophet of God proclaiming profoundly that this is the last generation. The overcomer ministry broadcasts 24 hours a day online and you are welcome to listen in to the tabernacle and leave a comment or question upon the broadcasts or scripture.The Ministry address is Po Box 691,Walterboro,SC 29488,USA.By Telephone,1-843-701-5053.I have had 60 years in the ministry,Maranatha. There is freedom in God and I was pleased to view your website,you are welcome to come to our tabernacle. Jesus is the truth,the life and the only way,Glory to God.
1/13/2017 05:36:10 am
This church has helped me with my addiction problems. Highly recommended! [email protected]
1/15/2017 09:14:22 pm
That's great news, Thanks for Sharing it with us.
Susan Miles
6/20/2017 03:32:39 pm
So happy you have a website to see pictures and records. I'm a direct descendant of Griffith and Bridget Miles and their line of Joseph and Benjamin's. I know they left Wales 1683 on Penn's 7th ship and left the Quaker church upon arrival. I also know they practiced "hands-on healing'' according to records. Obviously there are no family pictures this far back but I do have a picture of my greatgrandfather Benjamin Cottman
Jim Morgan
4/12/2019 09:05:56 pm
I am so excited to see your site, I have just learned that my 6 x Great Grandfather, Abel Morgan, pastored your church until his death in 1722. I have been planning a trip out this summer to see the Middletown Baptist Church where his son, my 5 x Great Grandfather pastored, as well as the one in Delaware where his brother Enoch and my 7x Great Grandfather Thomas Griffith pastored. Any suggestions you may have, how I could see and look around causing the least possible disruption to you, your staff or church family would be appreciated.
James Miles
6/28/2019 04:42:30 pm
Hello! Enjoyed reading your comments.
James B Morgan Jr
6/28/2019 05:06:00 pm
Thank you! Yes, he had a son, Abel Morgan, my 5 x Great Grandfather who pastored Middletown Baptist in Middletown NJ, he also wrote a book published by Ben Franklin, I have read it. Middletown Baptist also found a document in the church in 2016 during a renovation where Morgan and his senior leadership had cast out all the Tories from their church and declared themselves as patriots for the new free and independent nation. I have not made it out yet, still hoping to this summer or fall.
Cheryl Carlson
6/30/2019 12:14:12 pm
If Mr. Fred Moore is unable to met with you, let me know, I will see if I can. I work 5:30 AM to 2:00 PM.
james miles
6/28/2019 05:48:20 pm
[email protected]. I have lots to share with you if interested to learn about my Miles ancestors who were certainly all around yours.
Fred Moore
6/30/2019 10:42:59 am
Jim Miles and Jim Morgan - Please email me at [email protected] to discuss visiting Pennepack Baptist Church and Graveyard.
James B Morgan Jr
6/30/2019 12:15:45 pm
I have to figure out my schedule, my plans are this summer of fall. I need to see Pennepack Baptist Church where my 6x Great Grandfather Abel Morgan pastored, then I also need to go to Middletown Baptist in New Jersey to see where my 5x Great Grandfather Abel Morgan II pastored and the Welsh Track Baptist Church in Delaware where Abel first arrived in America, met my 6 x Great Grandmother and where her father my 7 x Great Grandfather Thomas Griffith pastored followed by Abel's brother Enoch. I have already been to Little Pigeon Creek Baptist in Southern Indiana, not same building but on same site, started by my 4 x Great Grandfather and Grandmother along with others including the Thomas Lincoln family around 1810. I don't know who the first pastor was.
James B Morgan Jr
6/30/2019 12:18:28 pm
At some point, I want to go to Wales to see where Abel was from, and see what else I can learn about his father, my 7 x Great Grandfather Morgan ap Rherrdych who was a early Baptist pastor, who defied the King of England when commanded to quit preaching, was arrested, imprisoned and tortured for four years before being released. He continued to preach underground for what I believe was the rest of his life.
Kenneth Mawson
8/10/2019 11:31:18 am
Tim Unruh
10/6/2022 10:51:39 pm
Ken, Jim Morgan is trying to contact you about your reply to his message. Please reply to his last message. I think someone needs to leave their email address or contact info in the message field.
Randy Bibb
1/31/2021 08:56:05 am
My seventh-great-grandfather, Thomas Bibb (1669-1701) was a member of your church. Kinda proud of that.
Elizabeth Edwards
10/5/2022 03:37:16 pm
I recently came across a land deed in my father’s attic from Enoch Edwards dated 1792 and I am trying to determine how we are related to him. If it is possible, I would like to visit the church cemetery. How do I go about arranging this?
James Morgan
10/5/2022 04:24:04 pm
I got a notice someone answered me but I fat fingered the message and accidentally unsubscribed.
Jacqueline Worley
5/11/2023 10:52:12 pm
I am studying Baptist History this Spring with Dr. Karen Bullock at B. H. Carroll Seminary. I am fascinated with the story of your church. I hope to visit someday! May God bless your congregation.
Stephanie Wright Scott
5/16/2023 03:34:14 pm
I am researching my family tree and am a descendent of John Wright. There are many Wright's buried in the south cemetary. My husband and I are planning a to visit the church next summer. Is there a map of the cemetary so we can locate the grave sites? Also does the church hold any documents of families who belonged to the church?
Sandra Eaton
6/9/2023 05:09:52 pm
I am the 6th great granddaughter of Rev Joseph Eaton, son of John and Joan of Wales, he was 7 yrs of age when arriving to Penn. in 1686, their is proof the family came earlier, Rev George Eaton his brother's descendants had DNA testing that matched with my brothers 36 of 37 marks. I have a great deal of information on this Eaton line. Would like to read the minutes written back then to see if there was more news of this family , I understand there may have been a daughter born to John and Joan by the name of Magot.
Delvin D Elwell Jr
10/16/2023 09:44:32 pm
My Father, D.D. Elwell, Sr., pastored at Lower Dublin Baptist Church on Bustleton Avenue for about nine months while he attended Crozer Theological Seminary, That was about fifty eight years ago. I was twelve years old at the time. I had a wonderful time browsing through your web site. I remember my Father preaching one Sunday at the old Pennepack church. God bless you all.
1/30/2024 08:24:13 am
Christmas Eve is always a magical time, and I was delighted to hear that Pennepack Baptist Church hosts a Christmas Eve service on 12/24. The idea of celebrating the birth of Jesus in such a welcoming and loving community is heartwarming.
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